I drove, ostensibly to save his back.

That's checking the side mirror, not sleeping. The cloud dropped, then lifted.

We passed a nasty three-car accident on a tight bend and were still speculating on the cause as I pulled into Nancy Green Provincial Park (closed, but we climbed over the barriers to walk in) and discovered that the shaded road was coated with ice. That explained the enthusiastic gritting.

It was a pretty place, steam rising gently from the still lake. Onwards, on a road I remembered from 35 years ago, while he read the tourist info to decide what we'd do with our afternoon in Osoyoos. We decided to visit the Nk'mip Winery and Cultural Centre. Good choice: nice wine. Lighter and fruitier than our normal Europeans. We've got two bottles to fit in our bags somehow...

I love this landscape.
-- posted on the move
Am enjoying your "Road to SOAR" series! You'll get there before I will....all the fiber and wine....ought to be a blast!
What she said! I can't wait to meet you!
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