I do wonder whether our (in the general western civilisation sense) memories are less effective now than they could be. I'd be lost without my PDA and the little red book in which I note date, time and content of business telephone calls. But in the past people not only invented 24-row, multi-stitch knitting patterns (and far more complex weaving structures), they remembered them. Lots of them. OK, they probably kept samples to refer to, but I lay odds they remembered more than we do. Bards and others with trained memories could recite histories and genealogies for hours? on end. My memory is crammed so full of telephone numbers, card numbers, account numbers and the security codes, passwords and PINs I need to access 'stuff' that I can feel things dribbling out of the cracks. Perhaps this is another reason to have less stuff. We culled clothing before we put it back in the closet, so there's a stack of ancient t-shirts for rags and another of decent clothing for recycling. Stuff I've grown out of, mentally and physically. (Some I never grew into: shirts far, far too large, a legacy of my days of thinking I was fat. I'm working on that.) That felt good, really good, so we attacked the main storage cupboard. We threw out all the paint tins we'd kept for a decade or more (why did we do this? most colours are unavailable within a year or two, the paint dries out, our tastes change). The SLR cameras we haven't touched for 7 years, the air mattresses, the fabric that once concealed the ugly hand-me-down chairs that were our only furniture, any stuff worth having that I didn't even remember possessing* was offered on Freecycle. It's gone, with luck to people who actually need it. Not only do I feel lighter mentally, we can walk into the cupboard on the floor instead of clambering over stuff we didn't use. A good start to 2007.

Guess what? More yarn. This was a sort of birthday present to myself: membership in Sundara's Sock Club. The first installment has arrived! The colour is off in that photo, but I assure you that it reminded me of all the beautiful dark hellebores that fail to survive in my garden. Only white with purple spots seem to like it here. Is that significant? I don't know, but I do like the fact that I have no inclination whatsoever to buy yarn. Everything I want to knit (there is a list) can be made from stash yarns, or by spinning the small stash of roving I haven't confessed to possessing :-)

* with one exception. I found a small stash of Phildar yarns and a Phildar baby knit pattern book. I don't do new years resolutions, but I am going to knit that yarn into baby clothing and find a local charity that wants it.
We too have been fighting this crummy virus. Jeff's over it, I'm putting on a valiant fight against. Your photos of yarn and cleaning efforts really impress me. I did move around some piles, mind you, and that seemed to at least fix our wireless signal. Pitiful, I know.
Hey, just on the off chance that you remember Kiri--do you think that pattern repeat you did could be morphed into a stole sort of thing? I've got some handspun cashmere, habu and your seasilk gift, I'm wondering if I might create some sort of multi yarn lace stole. Hmmmm.
Happy new year! I like your new socks! great flowing pattern. I am with ya on the Lorna Lace. you'll enjoy Sundara's, it has the same richness as koigu. I never used STR, so I'll be curious to see how you like them.
I must widen my sock-yarn horizon. I am now quite envious of all your lovely yarn. What is your favourite so far?
I really like the patterns in the Sensational Socks book. I've just finished a pair and a half from it. I do like the Ribbed Lace you're knitting and the yarn looks delectable.
I'm with you on the memory thing and think it must be worth doing mental exercises so we don't just lose it all by the time we're applying for our bus passes.
My favourite so far is the Bearfoot, soft, glossy and beautiful deep colours. I like the thickness, too, but it's midwinter now... might not be so good when the weather's warmer. Hila, I'm glad you seconded me on the LL: so many bloggers seem to love the stuff! Joanne, you have mail!
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