Dedicated birders (ie those who watch our little feathered friends) often have Life Lists, a list of all the birds they've seen. I can add three locations to my KIP Life List thanks to those socks:
In my car on the top of the hydraulic lift as it was inspected for roadworthiness (someone has to twist the steering wheel, etc).
On the Northern Line. A nice lady said I reminded her of her grandmother[!!] who knitted everywhere, and told me about the fabulous shawl she'd knitted when her own daughter was pregnant. She became addicted to knitting, for weeks she knitted everywhere she went, and when it was presented as a gift at the baby shower it was eclipsed by a purchased Shetland Shawl given by the MiL. She doesn't know what her daughter did with it in the end, "probably gave it to a charity shop". I was horrified and tried to persuade her that her daughter was cherishing it as too good to use. I hope so, I really do. When we left the train at Euston I gave her my very best smile and said I thought she should knit herself a shawl to show her daughter how to use it.
In the waiting area for Rigby & Peller. The socks said they felt a bit intimidated by all the burgundy and gold, but we managed it.
As there's no knitting worth boasting about, I thought I'd try some BIP (Baking In Public). Saturday is Pizza Day here. Homemade pizza, a salad, a bottle of red and Dr. Who. Bliss.

Ingredients: 650gm UK strong flour/US all purpose (US flour is higher in protein than the average UK flour); 2 tsp table salt; a scant 1 tbsp sugar; 1 tsp instant yeast; c.2 tbsp olive oil. Add c.400ml cool water. Knead well. I do it like this: with the heel of (here) the right hand *push* the dough

down and away, literally smearing it along the surface while your left hand holds the dough so the whole lump doesn't move. Push from the shoulder; your arm should be straight. As you pull your hand back, curve your fingers down to pull the dough back with it. A lot will stick to the table; never mind, just push again. Build a rhythm. A dough scraper is useful to scrape those stuck remnants back into the ball every now and then; if you haven't got one, improvise. Switch hands occasionally. Do all this with as little flour on the surface as possible: I don't use any at all until I roll the final ball. Added flour makes for drier bread; moister bread is usually nicer. If you look closely at the photo you can see the ragged stringiness that indicates gluten development. Gluten is the protein that eventually forms the network to trap the gases generated by the yeast. Those trapped gas bubbles are what make bread rise, so gluten development is crucial. I knead for about 5 minutes, hard, to get this:

[time passes]

Prepare to assemble the pizza(s)! I cheat, big time. I build the pizza on a re-useable sheet of teflon fabric. This means it never sticks to whatever I use to slide it onto the stone, no matter how long it sits in the kitchen, and there's almost nothing between the dough and the hot stone. So I can make all three pizzas, put the first one in the oven, then sit and drink wine until it's done. Anyway... pull one of the lumps free of the rest and start to gently pull (with the hand that's not holding it) and spread (with the fingers of the hand holding it) that lump out into a flatter lump.

I don't know what I've forgotten...
Oh that is fabulous! I am going to try it! Ooooh, you are too clever!
If I was clever I wouldn't have had to knit that sock heel three times! It's not perfect even now (I think I started on the wrong side), but it will suffice.
If you are really keen on pizza I VERY strongly recommend Peter Reinhart's 'American Pie'. A brilliant book with lots of distinctive recipes, all good. That recipe is a version of his Neo-Neapolitan.
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